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How To Release Your Burdens To Jesus

Writer's picture: Coach Quay ChambersCoach Quay Chambers

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

Hello Beautiful!

Today, I wanted to write a little about releasing our burdens on God. These past two years has been rough due to the pandemic. Some of us have been so isolated that we learned how to depend on ourselves for protection and comfort. This is not something most of us choose to do but felt pushed to do during these hard times. Some of us have not been able to continue the routine of going to church to lay burdens at the altar. Without an outlet, we can become so weighed down by our burdens, that we can't even function in our day-to-day life. This past Saturday, during Teatime, we talked about why it's important to lay our burdens on God and what burdens could do to us. During our conversation, we learned ways to release our burdens on God. I wanted to share some of those ways with you all. So, let's get right into the blog.

Why Is So Important to Release Our Burdens to God?

One on the most important things that we can learn how to do in our walk with God is to depend totally on God! What does this mean? It means that we have to get out of the mind frame that we can do anything on our own. God created every one of us and not only did He create us, but He also created us with purpose. God says in His word that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. This was reassurance that we can trust God with all that we have. This includes hurts, pains, or any situation that we are concerned about. Yes ladies, this could include good situations as well.

We are human, so certain things get in the way of us living a peaceful life. If we are not living a peaceful life, we are living a stressful one. This is not God's intention for us. Burdens causes stress. Stress is one of the factors that can lead to illness in our body's. Stress can throw us off course in our daily routines. Stress can also lead to depression.

Accept That We Can't Do It on Our Own.

In the middle of a stressful situation, we tend to forget that we do not have to feel stress or be burdened by worry. Most times, we feel like we can fix the problem on our own. When pressure comes, so many ideas come to our minds. Also, when the pressure hits, we try every idea that come to our minds to fix these stressful situations. We can easily wear ourselves out by trying to put band aids on situations. I don't know about you all, but I am tired of going through this process. Recently, I found myself in a situation where I tried everything that I knew to try. When my actions didn't fix the problem, I tried my tears. Still did not get any results. So, finally I did what God wanted me to do all along. I set on my bed hopelessly surrendering my way over to God! In that moment I asked Him to help me because there was nothing that I could to to fix my situation. You wouldn't believe this, but 5 seconds later I received a call with my solution.

The mindset that God wants us to have, is to come to Him first. We will never see the big picture of a problem if He does not reveal it to us. Sometimes God will use stressful situations to test our trust for Him. These tests reveal our faith in God! Let's try to enter every situation with God, trusting that He knows the best answer. This will save us a lot of time, tears, and worry.

Have Faith! Believe That the Battle is Already Won.

Now, we talked about how we need to accept that our way is not good enough, but God way is key. Having faith in God's word is vital because it is our way of life. The bible is our guide to heaven. It is our manual on our Father and His ways. So, we have to believe everything that He tells us. One thing that our Father says is," the battle is not ours, but it is the Lord." This means He will make a way. It also means that things are not stacked up against you, but our enemy is coming against God. All God needs us to do is to keep our posture when attacks come. He needs us to stay out of His way and allow Him to do His thing. Believe it or not, when we try to fix problems or do things our way, we make this big mess that God has to fix.

This makes me think about my one-year-old. My baby loves to help clean. The problem is that he doesn't understand how to clean. When I sweep the floor, he messes up the floor by trying to sweep my pile of trash around the room. Now, this could be frustrating when I am not in the mood to clean. I know my baby is trying to help, but because he doesn't understand what I am trying to do, he makes my job harder and longer. Let's think about this before we go getting in God's way.

Finally, Cry It Out! Allow God to Comfort You

Now ladies, I know and understand that some of us do not cry a lot. The truth is once our bodies experience the stress hormone, the only way for it to exit our bodies is through tears or sweat. I was shocked when my husband shared this with me. God is so good that even our tears have purpose. When we are feeling burdened down, we need release. We need to let the stress, heaviness, or sadness go. One way to do that is through crying. Cry out to God. Let Him know what we are thinking and feeling. Cry with purpose of deliverance. Allow God to show His love. God will comfort us and show us how to move forward.

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